This is KUMADOLL's payment test page for orders. Please do not place an order at this link if it is not necessary.
Because of the high security level of credit cards in USA and Canada.
This page is used for payment testing.
If you are not sure if your country and region can pay successfully, you can use this page to test if you can pay successfully before placing an order.
How does it work?
The default price is 1 USD.
As a reminder, if you sign up as our member, you will be given 500 points by default, which can be exchanged for $10.
So you need to change the quantity to 11 when you test it, so that the price will be $1 after you use the points to offset the $10.
If you don't change the quantity, you may find that the price goes from $1 to $0 because it has been automatically offset by the points.
We apologize for this, as kumadoll points are automatically deducted.
Our web developers are trying to lift this restriction.
If the payment fails, please contact your card issuer to confirm the reason for the failure and try again.
Note that there is no need to adjust the quantity when you pay again because there are no more points in your account.
If the payment is successful, we will refund you the deducted 500 points and $1.
You can try using this link to test if the payment can be completed properly.
Any questions, please contact :
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